Conventional Panel Info Conventional Info
Conventional Info
Guide to conventional panels

Our Preferred Conventional Panels

Silent Knight 5208

This panel is our personal favorite when we use a conventional fire alarm panel. Some of the things we like the best about this panel are: A. It mounts between studs on 16 inch centers which makes a nice install on new or retrofit applications. B. It has the look and feel of newer addressable panels with an LCD display and easy user functions. C. It is programmable via serial port which cuts time and costs when putting the system into service or retrieving data later.

Click here for all the information on this fire alarm control panel.

Silent Knight 5207

This panel has been around for a while, and has been found to be a very dependable, long lasting control panel.  Like the 5208 it will mount between studs that are on 16 inch centers which makes for a very clean, flush, and professional looking finished product. It has expansion capabilities that make it very suitable for various sized projects. Unfortunately this panel has been discontinued, but there are still alot of them out there in service.

Click here for all the information on this fire alarm control panel.

Silent Knight SK4

The panel is really good for smaller, budget restrictive projects. It is a surface mount control panel which doesn’t look as good as the flush mounts listed above, but on hard surfaces where flush mount is not an option, this one can be a real money saver.

Click here for all the information on this fire alarm control panel.

Silent Knight SK2

This panel is just like the SK4 listed above.  The only difference is that this one is equipped with only two zones. There are very few applications where this control panel could be used, but when it can it will really help the budget and can still get that all important certificate of occupancy when used.

Click here for all the information on this fire alarm control panel.

Firelite 5210UD

As conventional fire control panels go this one has been time tested and found to be very reliable when installed properly. This panel has ten zones and can handle some pretty good sized projects.  It can be modified to accommodate class A circuits when this might be required by the AHJ.

Click here for all the information on this fire alarm control panel..

Firelite 2410B

This is a very affordable ten zone fire alarm control panel. This one however can only be used on class B applications.  Still it is a very nice system and we have used it many times for various projects.

Click here for all the information on this fire alarm control panel.

Firelite 5024UD

This panel is comparable to the Silent Knight 5207 above.  It has been around for quite a while and has been found to be a very reliable fire alarm control panel. Suitable for various size and styles of facilities.  Makes for a very good sprinkler monitoring system.

Click here for all the information on this fire alarm control panel.

Firelite MS-2 & MS-4

These two panels are very similar in features and functions as the SK-2, and the SK-4 panels made by silent knight. These two are perfect for small projects with limited budgets.

Click here for all the information on these two fire alarm control panels.


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